My class notes for our lecture on graphics:

Pixels: small ‘pixels’ make up a larger image – have a limit to how far you can zoom in to keep quality

Vectors: a mathematical equation to make up a specific shape. Expands mathematically as you zoom so the quality stays.

Photoshop costs money the more you get into it

Pixlr & Vectr can be used right in your browser

GIMP is a good free version of a photoshop-like tool

Powerpoint is a great tool to edit graphics – and is widely available to learners

  • everything you create in powerpoint can be exported as a picture
  • you can ‘save as’ your powerpoint as a different type of media (pictures or pdfs)
  • cropping tool can be useful for changing the focus of a photo or rearranging a photo altogether
  • can insert a screenshot and edit that

Powerpoint can also be used to create graphics

  • can use shapes tool – all vector shapes, so keeps same resolution no matter the size of the shape
  • can save all different shape/text components by selecting all of the area you want and ‘grouping’ them
  • can also move different layers of shapes ‘to front’ or ‘to back’
  • can save the ‘logo’ all as one by selecting and ‘save as picture’


  • pre-made graphic that you can then edit and add text to
  • great way to make a quick ‘professional’ graphic


  • google photos automatically creates photos/videos you might like
  • Prisma to edit photos
  • Mirror Lab – takes a photo and can give it a kaleidoscope effect
  • 8Bit photo
  • Comica – gives it a comic-strip effect (sketched, coloured, b&w, set it up in panels to make a strip, can add text bubbles – Creative Commons graphics inspiration


Here is a personal graphic that I made using the tips and tricks from PowerPoint: